
Praised Not Flying, Insulted Not Falling (Dipuji Tidak Terbang, Dihina Tidak Tumbang)


Praised Not Flying, Insulted Not Falling (Dipuji Tidak Terbang, Dihina Tidak Tumbang)

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Life presents us with many challenges, and in the face of these obstacles, one of the most crucial skills we can develop is the ability to stay balanced. This concept, known in Bahasa Indonesia as “Dipuji tidak terbang, dihina tidak tumbang,” translates to “Praised not flying, insulted not falling” in English. It refers to the strength to stay grounded when praised and endure criticism without crumbling.

Staying Grounded Amidst Praise

It is natural for people to seek validation and approval from others, and indeed, it feels good to have our efforts acknowledged. However, it is essential not to let ourselves be swayed with excessive praise. Becoming overly arrogant or complacent could stunt personal growth and development. Instead, we must remain modest, remembering that there is always room for improvement.

To apply the principle of “Praised not flying,” consider the following tips:

  1. Be humble: Accept compliments graciously, but do not let them inflate your ego.
  2. Keep learning: Understand that there is more to learn and ways to grow.
  3. Don’t take it for granted: Recognize that praise is not an entitlement but a reflection of your hard work.

Standing Firm When Criticized

Nobody enjoys hearing negative comments, but it is a fact of life that criticism will sometimes come our way. Rather than getting disheartened and collapsing under the negative weight, we must develop resilience and learn from critical remarks. By staying strong and focusing on growth and self-improvement, we can withstand insults and gain respect from others.

To embrace the idea of “Insulted not falling,” consider these suggestions:

  1. Don’t take it personally: Detach yourself from the negative remark and analyze it objectively.
  2. Learn from it: Look for any element of truth in the criticism, and use it as an opportunity for growth.
  3. Accept your imperfections: Understand that nobody is perfect, and flaws are natural.

Balancing Praise and Criticism

Finding a healthy balance between praise and criticism requires self-awareness, humility, resilience, and the desire to grow. By developing these qualities, we can approach life with a sense of equilibrium that allows us to maintain forward momentum and withstand challenges.

In the words of the Chinese philosopher Confucius, “When you see a good person, think of becoming like them; when you see someone not so good, reflect on your own weak points.”

Jadi, jawabannya apa? Embrace the “Praised not flying, insulted not falling” mindset, stay grounded amidst praise, and stand firm when criticized. In doing so, we can develop as individuals, gain respect, and lead fulfilling lives.

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