
Utilizing the existing SERP to determine the type of content to create (landing page vs website)


Utilizing the existing SERP to determine the type of content to create (landing page vs website)

Sebarkan artikel ini

Looking at the current SERP, it seems that the dominant type of search results is articles and academic work related to the use of English in abstracts. Therefore, an information-heavy article-style landing page on a website would be the most suitable format.

Analyze the Funnel Stage

Given the specificity of the question, the stage this falls into is likely the decision stage of the funnel. This seems to be the point at which users are in the process of writing an English abstract and need guidance on how to structure it effectively, with a logical conclusion.

Estimate Target Word Count

To remain actionable and concise, the estimated word count for this type of content should be between 1000-1500 words, providing detailed direction and examples but maintaining readability.

Create Multiple Working Titles (150-160 characters)

  1. “Mastering the use of Language in English Abstracts: Structuring and Summarizing Effectively”
  2. “Language in English Abstracts: A Comprehensive guide on Crafting Effective Conclusions”
  3. “Understanding and Utilizing English Language in Crafting Powerful Abstract Conclusions”
  4. “Guideline to English Language Use in Abstracts: Excellence in Summarizing and Structuring”

Create a Website Slug (must include keyword)

For the website slug, we can use something like:


Create a Meta Description

“Improve your skills in writing abstracts with our comprehensive guide. Discover how to effectively use English language in abstracts and craft powerful conclusions that leave a lasting impression.”

Create an Outline

I. Introduction

  • Definition of English abstract
  • Importance of effective language usage in abstracts

II. How to Use English in Abstracts

  • Choosing the right words
  • Sentence structuring
  • Avoiding jargon
  • Objective and concise writing

III. Crafting a Compelling Conclusion in English Abstracts

  • Understanding what a powerful conclusion is
  • Importance of crafting a summary or conclusion in an abstract
  • Steps in creating a compelling conclusion

IV. Expert Tips and Tricks

  • Insights from professional academic writers
  • Best practices
  • Common mistakes to avoid

V. Conclusion

  • Recap of the article
  • Final thoughts and recommendations

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